Banyeres del Penedès |
Population (2004)
Area (km2)
Population density
County |
164.0 (hab,/km2)
Penedès |
by age group  |
| Age
| 0 to 14 years
| 15 to 64 years
| 65 years and over
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2004
| 13.6
| 73.1
| 13.3
| 2,003
Baix Penedès
| 2004
| 15.1
| 70.3
| 14.6
| 73,665
| 2004
| 14.0
| 69.1
| 16.9
| 6,813,319
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya
Years available : 2004
Population Change  |
| births. deaths and marriages
| births
| deaths
| marriages
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2003
| 25
| 12
| 7
| 2001
| 15
| 12
| 7
Baix Penedès
| 2003
| 823
| 562
| 346
| 2001
| 666
| 412
| 257
| 2003
| 72,980
| 60,076
| 30,853
| 2001
| 64,722
| 55,792
| 30,442
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : from 1975 to 2003
and Inactive Population  |
| Active
| Constant
| Population of
| occupied
| inoccupied
| Total
| Inactive
| added
| 16 years and more
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 784
| 78
| 862
| 644
| 0
| 1,506
| 1996
| 562
| 128
| 690
| 608
| 17
| 1,315
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 26,713
| 3,081
| 29,794
| 21,509
| 0
| 51,303
| 1996
| 17,374
| 3,710
| 21,084
| 17,772
| 221
| 39,077
| 2001
| 2,815,126
| 318,935
| 3,134,061
| 2,236,888
| 0
| 5,370,949
| 1996
| 2,204,652
| 527,020
| 2,731,672
| 2,359,715
| 24,492
| 5,115,879
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,Cens
de Població 2001,Estadística de Població 1996
Years available : 1996. 2001
Growth  |
| Rates per 1.000
| growth
| balance
| growth
| births
| deaths
| natural
| migration
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 7.9
| 7.0
| 0.9
| 22.8
| 23.6
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 9.9
| 7.3
| 2.6
| 43.2
| 45.8
| 2001
| 9.6
| 8.9
| 0.7
| 6.7
| 7.4
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : 1986-1991. 1991-1996. 1996-2001
Note: the rate refers to the annual average
of birth  |
| Catalunya
| Same County
| Other County
| Rest of Spain
| Foreign
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 1,052
| 513
| 539
| 579
| 105
| 1,736
| 1996
| 896
| 492
| 404
| 594
| 34
| 1,524
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 38,649
| 14,785
| 23,864
| 18,029
| 4,578
| 61,256
| 1996
| 30,947
| 14,355
| 16,592
| 14,800
| 1,803
| 47,550
| 2001
| 4,305,884
| 3,078,188
| 1,227,696
| 1,648,650
| 388,576
| 6,343,110
| 1996
| 4,165,361
| 3,063,962
| 1,101,399
| 1,752,873
| 171,806
| 6,090,040
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Estadística de població 1996,
Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, Cens de població 2001,
Years available : 1981. 1986. 1991. 1996. 2001
of Education  |
| None
| A Level
| University
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 12.0
| 24.4
| 54.3
| 9.3
| 1,588
| 1996
| 12.4
| 58.9
| 22.3
| 6.4
| 1,418
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 12.4
| 28.4
| 50.8
| 8.5
| 55,026
| 1996
| 13.3
| 62.0
| 18.3
| 6.4
| 42,718
| 2001
| 13.7
| 26.2
| 47.2
| 12.8
| 5,724,420
| 1996
| 17.7
| 51.6
| 20.7
| 10.0
| 5,539,012
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,Cens
de Població 2001,Estadística de Població 1996
Years available : 1996. 2001
of Catalan  |
| Population of
| Knowledge
| Speak
| Read
| Write
| None
| 2 years and more
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 94.2
| 75.0
| 76.3
| 55.7
| 5.8
| 1,704
| 1996
| 96.1
| 72.7
| 73.8
| 49.6
| 3.9
| 1,499
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 94.1
| 73.0
| 72.8
| 49.7
| 5.9
| 59,784
| 1996
| 95.4
| 74.9
| 71.4
| 46.7
| 4.6
| 46,598
| 2001
| 94.5
| 74.5
| 74.3
| 49.8
| 5.5
| 6,176,751
| 1996
| 95.0
| 75.3
| 72.4
| 45.8
| 5.0
| 5,984,334
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, Cens
de poblacio 2001,
Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, Estadística de població 1996,
Years available : 1981. 1986. 1991. 1996. 2001,
of persons per dwelling  |
| Number of persons (size of the home)
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9 and more
| Total dwellings
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 17.5
| 25.2
| 24.6
| 21.5
| 9.1
| 1.7
| 0.3
| 0.2
| 0.0
| 606
| 1996
| 13.3
| 21.7
| 23.1
| 22.9
| 14.8
| 3.3
| 0.8
| 0.0
| 0.0
| 480
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 24.0
| 29.6
| 19.5
| 18.2
| 5.9
| 1.8
| 0.5
| 0.2
| 0.2
| 23,256
| 1996
| 20.2
| 26.9
| 20.2
| 20.5
| 8.3
| 2.8
| 0.8
| 0.2
| 0.2
| 16,694
| 2001
| 20.9
| 28.0
| 22.4
| 20.0
| 6.0
| 1.8
| 0.5
| 0.2
| 0.2
| 2,315,856
| 1996
| 17.3
| 26.6
| 22.5
| 22.1
| 8.1
| 2.3
| 0.7
| 0.2
| 0.1
| 2,097,955
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Estadística de població 1996,
Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, Cens de població 1991,
Years available : 1991. 1996. 2001
of dwelling  |
| With nucleus
| Without nucleus
| partner
| partner
| father or mother
| father and mother
| 1 person
| 2 or more
| without children
| with children
| with children
| or more
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 17.5
| 3.5
| 21.9
| 46.4
| 8.7
| 2.0
| 606
| 1996
| 13.3
| 0.6
| 18.5
| 57.3
| 7.1
| 3.1
| 480
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 24.0
| 3.4
| 25.5
| 36.7
| 7.9
| 2.5
| 23,256
| 1996
| 20.2
| 1.5
| 22.8
| 45.0
| 7.8
| 2.6
| 16,694
| 2001
| 20.9
| 4.0
| 22.4
| 41.0
| 9.5
| 2.2
| 2,315,856
| 1996
| 17.3
| 2.6
| 21.1
| 47.1
| 9.4
| 2.4
| 2,097,955
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,Cens
de Població 2001, Estadística de Població 1996
Years available : 1996. 2001
by type  |
| Family homes
| Main
| not Main
| Establishments
| Conventional
| Lodging
| Secondary
| Empty
| Other
| Total
| Community
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 606
| 0
| 263
| 204
| 2
| 1,075
| 0
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 23,254
| 2
| 46,148
| 5,460
| 225
| 75,089
| 11
| 2001
| 2,315,774
| 82
| 514,943
| 452,921
| 30,435
| 3,314,155
| 1,781
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : 1981. 1991. 2001
of Tenancy  |
| Type of ownership
| purchased with
| purchased
| mortgage
| inherited
| gift or
| paid
| pending
| or donated
| Rented
| low price
| other
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 29.5
| 22.8
| 14.2
| 16.5
| 13.0
| 4.0
| 606
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 39.7
| 35.5
| 7.1
| 11.3
| 3.0
| 3.5
| 23,254
| 2001
| 45.9
| 27.6
| 5.5
| 16.6
| 1.6
| 2.7
| 2,315,774
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : 1991. 2001
of dwelling  |
| From 60
| From 90
| From 120 and
| to 59 m2
| to 89 m2
| to 119 m2
| more m2
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 3.1
| 30.7
| 40.1
| 26.1
| 606
| 1991
| 1.6
| 40.7
| 29.4
| 28.3
| 435
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 6.3
| 38.3
| 33.2
| 22.2
| 23,254
| 1991
| 5.7
| 42.3
| 33.0
| 19.0
| 12,274
| 2001
| 11.1
| 45.3
| 29.3
| 14.3
| 2,315,774
| 1991
| 13.9
| 48.1
| 25.8
| 12.2
| 1,931,172
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,Cens
de Població 2001 i 1991
Years available : 1991. 2001
of floors per building  |
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8 and more
| floor
| floors
| floors
| floors
| floors
| floors
| floors
| floors
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 67.5
| 27.0
| 4.5
| 1.0
| 0.0
| 0.0
| 0.0
| 0.0
| 882
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 43.7
| 39.3
| 8.9
| 4.6
| 2.3
| 0.6
| 0.3
| 0.2
| 30,952
| 2001
| 35.8
| 37.8
| 12.8
| 4.3
| 3.7
| 2.4
| 1.3
| 1.9
| 1,063,896
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : 1990. 2001
Elections  |
| public
| Liberal
| Socialist
| Conservative
| Green
| Independence
| Others
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2003
| 34.7
| 41.0
| 9.4
| 3.6
| 11.0
| 0.3
| 1,027
| 1999
| 39.4
| 44.7
| 7.0
| 0.0
| 7.1
| 1.7
| 938
Baix Penedès
| 2003
| 32.8
| 34.1
| 12.5
| 4.8
| 14.3
| 1.5
| 30,978
| 1999
| 40.1
| 40.9
| 9.2
| 0.0
| 8.0
| 1.9
| 25,472
| 2003
| 31.2
| 31.5
| 12.0
| 7.4
| 16.6
| 1.3
| 3,261,741
| 1999
| 38.1
| 38.2
| 9.6
| 2.5
| 8.8
| 2.8
| 3,081,736
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : 1980. 1984. 1988. 1992. 1995. 1999. 2003,
Elections  |
| public
| Liberal
| Socialist
| Conservative
| Green
| Independence
| Other
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2004
| 43.2
| 23.9
| 14.1
| 4.6
| 12.8
| 1.4
| 1,251
| 2000
| 39.0
| 32.0
| 20.3
| 1.5
| 4.6
| 2.6
| 945
Baix Penedès
| 2004
| 40.9
| 21.3
| 18.7
| 3.9
| 13.9
| 1.4
| 39,502
| 2000
| 37.1
| 31.1
| 22.7
| 1.6
| 5.0
| 2.5
| 28,475
| 2004
| 39.9
| 20.9
| 15.7
| 5.9
| 16.1
| 1.5
| 3,957,672
| 2000
| 34.6
| 29.2
| 23.1
| 3.6
| 5.7
| 3.7
| 3,304,030
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : 1977. 1979. 1982. 1986. 1989. 1993. 1996. 2000. 2004
Elections  |
| public
| Liberal
| Socialist
| Conservative
| Green
| Independence
| Other
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2003
| 56.3
| 41.8
| 1.9
| 0.0
| 0.0
| 0.0
| 1,159
| 1999
| 60.6
| 30.0
| 9.5
| 0.0
| 0.0
| 0.0
| 1,068
Baix Penedès
| 2003
| 34.9
| 34.3
| 7.7
| 3.7
| 7.9
| 11.5
| 34,400
| 1999
| 41.5
| 41.3
| 8.5
| 0.0
| 5.4
| 3.2
| 27,499
| 2003
| 34.8
| 24.6
| 11.3
| 10.6
| 13.0
| 5.7
| 3,166,914
| 1999
| 38.3
| 26.9
| 11.2
| 7.7
| 7.8
| 8.1
| 2,835,628
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : 1979. 1983. 1987. 1991. 1995. 1999. 2003,
Structure  |
| Occupations
| agriculture
| industry
| construction
| services
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 4.1
| 42.0
| 12.1
| 41.8
| 784
| 1996
| 6.4
| 50.2
| 5.5
| 37.9
| 562
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 3.7
| 21.5
| 16.7
| 58.0
| 26,713
| 1996
| 4.3
| 28.4
| 12.1
| 55.2
| 17,374
| 2001
| 2.5
| 25.2
| 10.4
| 62.0
| 2,815,126
| 1996
| 3.2
| 32.1
| 7.0
| 57.7
| 2,204,652
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Estadística de població 1996,
Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, Cens de població 1991,
Years available : 1991.1996. 2001,
of work  |
| Work in local area
| Work outside
| residents
| non residents
| Total
| of the local area
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2001
| 241
| 242
| 483
| 543
| 1996
| 126
| 244
| 370
| 436
Baix Penedès
| 2001
| 12,104
| 7,996
| 20,100
| 14,609
| 1996
| 8,788
| 5,889
| 14,677
| 8,586
| 2001
| 1,529,739
| 1,085,752
| 2,615,491
| 1,285,387
| 1996
| 1,269,608
| 923,557
| 2,193,165
| 935,044
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,Cens
de Població 2001,Estadística de Població 1996
Years available : 1996. 2001
by sex  |
| Sex
| Men
| Women
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2004
| 50.8
| 49.2
| 59
| 2003
| 54.7
| 45.3
| 53
Baix Penedès
| 2004
| 38.6
| 61.4
| 2,001
| 2003
| 39.7
| 60.3
| 1,857
| 2004
| 42.8
| 57.2
| 203,089
| 2003
| 42.6
| 57.4
| 201,694
Source : Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de
Trebtol. Indústria. Comerç i Turisme,
Years available : from 1983 to 2004
value-added per sector, Percentage |
| agriculture
| industry
| construction
| services
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 1996
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| 1991
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
Baix Penedès
| 1996
| 2.5
| 24.6
| 11.5
| 61.4
| 100
| 1991
| 3.5
| 31.3
| 13.3
| 52
| 100
| 1996
| 2.0
| 31
| 6.8
| 60.2
| 100
| 1991
| 2.2
| 34.1
| 8.3
| 55.5
| 100
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : 1991.1996,
family income, Percentage |
| Salaries
| Gross surplus
| Retirement and unemployment
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2000
| -
| -
| -
| -
| 1999
| -
| -
| -
| -
Baix Penedès
| 2000
| 55.5
| 30.7
| 13.8
| 100.0
| 1999
| 55.8
| 31.5
| 12.7
| 100.0
| 2000
| 61.9
| 23.2
| 14.9
| 100.0
| 1999
| 61.3
| 23.7
| 15.1
| 100.0
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : from 1986 to 2000
tax  |
| Euros (thousands)
| Number
| quota
| debt
| rebates
| complete
| tax
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2003
| 1,494
| 333
| 333
| 2001
| 1,540
| 356
| 356
Baix Penedès
| 2003
| 108,440
| 25,678
| 24,946
| 2001
| 103,074
| 20,343
| 18,955
| 2003
| 4,596,807
| 1,171,723
| 1,152,438
| 2001
| 4,359,040
| 1,048,501
| 1,018,693
Source : Centre de Gestió Cadastrto i Cooperació
Years available : from 1986 to 2003
tax  |
| Tax declared (%)
| Returns
| Quota
| average declared
| average paid
| companies
| professionals
| others
| per contributor
| per contributor
Banyeres del Penedès
| 1998
| 91.0
| 6.9
| 0.6
| 1.5
| 13,378
| 1,833
| 1997
| 90.3
| 6.9
| 0.6
| 2.3
| 13,126
| 1,815
Baix Penedès
| 1998
| 83.8
| 10.2
| 3.1
| 3
| 13,624
| 2,037
| 1997
| 82.7
| 10.6
| 3.0
| 3.7
| 13,047
| 1,893
| 1998
| 83.7
| 7.1
| 4.0
| 5.2
| 15,025
| 2,566
| 1997
| 82.2
| 7.5
| 3.9
| 6.4
| 14,622
| 2,452
Source : Agència Estatal Tributària,
Years available : from 1986 to 1998,
Tax |
| Declared inheritance (%)
| Inheritance Total
| Property
| Finance
Banyeres del Penedès
| 1996
| -
| -
| -
| 1995
| -
| -
| -
Baix Penedès
| 1996
| 48.3
| 51.7
| 241,594
| 1995
| 49.9
| 50.1
| 235,206
| 1996
| 43.1
| 56.9
| 314,317
| 1995
| 41.5
| 58.5
| 295,986
Source : Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament
d'Economy i Finances,
Years available : from 1991 to 1996,
per sector  |
| Commerce
| Services
| Professionals
| Industry
| Construction
| Domestic
| Domestic services
| and artists
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2002
| 10.9
| 29.9
| 10.2
| 40.9
| 8.0
| 137
| 2001
| 12.5
| 30.1
| 11.0
| 41.2
| 5.1
| 136
Baix Penedès
| 2002
| 6.7
| 28.9
| 17.8
| 38.7
| 7.9
| 6,673
| 2001
| 6.9
| 27.5
| 18.6
| 39.4
| 7.6
| 6,434
| 2002
| 9.7
| 13.0
| 19.1
| 43.0
| 15.1
| 604,817
| 2001
| 9.9
| 12.6
| 19.6
| 42.7
| 15.1
| 595,743
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : from 1994 to 2002,
businesses  |
| Energy
| chemicals
| Manufacturing
| Textiles and
| Publication
| Industry
| and water
| and metal
| metals
| foods
| sweets
| and furniture
| others
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2002
| 0.0
| 6.7
| 26.7
| 20.0
| 13.3
| 26.7
| 6.7
| 15
| 2001
| 0.0
| 5.9
| 29.4
| 17.6
| 17.6
| 23.5
| 5.9
| 17
Baix Penedès
| 2002
| 4.3
| 8.9
| 36.9
| 17.0
| 7.6
| 20.6
| 4.7
| 447
| 2001
| 3.6
| 9.0
| 35.7
| 16.8
| 8.5
| 21.7
| 4.7
| 446
| 2002
| 2.1
| 6.6
| 34.8
| 8.0
| 18.0
| 23.6
| 6.9
| 58,778
| 2001
| 2.1
| 6.6
| 34.5
| 7.9
| 18.2
| 23.7
| 7.0
| 59,194
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : from 1994 to 2002,
services  |
| Products
| Clothes and
| Articles for
| Books and
| Products
| Commercial
| foods
| shoes
| the home
| magazines
| chemicals
| transport
| others
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2002
| 35.7
| 7.1
| 0.0
| 0.0
| 14.3
| 7.1
| 35.7
| 14
| 2001
| 40.0
| 6.7
| 0.0
| 0.0
| 13.3
| 6.7
| 33.3
| 15
Baix Penedès
| 2002
| 31.5
| 17.0
| 15.9
| 3.3
| 8.1
| 4.5
| 19.7
| 1,191
| 2001
| 31.7
| 17.3
| 16.0
| 2.7
| 8.0
| 3.9
| 20.4
| 1,196
| 2002
| 31.2
| 20.3
| 13.8
| 3.6
| 8.0
| 3.6
| 19.5
| 115,640
| 2001
| 31.6
| 20.2
| 13.6
| 3.7
| 7.9
| 3.5
| 19.5
| 116,653
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : from 1994 to 2002,
companies  |
| Commercial
| Transport and
| Services
| Services
| Furniture
| wholesale
| Hotels & restaurants
| communication
| finance
| companies
| personal
| and others
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2002
| 7.1
| 14.3
| 21.4
| 7.1
| 3.6
| 19.6
| 26.8
| 56
| 2001
| 8.9
| 21.4
| 19.6
| 7.1
| 3.6
| 17.9
| 21.4
| 56
Baix Penedès
| 2002
| 8.6
| 27.1
| 13.8
| 3.4
| 6.2
| 21.8
| 19.1
| 2,581
| 2001
| 8.6
| 28.0
| 13.1
| 3.4
| 6.1
| 22.2
| 18.7
| 2,536
| 2002
| 13.8
| 17.3
| 18.9
| 4.0
| 10.7
| 24.7
| 10.5
| 260,138
| 2001
| 14.0
| 17.7
| 19.1
| 4.1
| 10.5
| 24.7
| 9.9
| 254,655
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,
Years available : from 1994 to 2002,
constructed  |
| started
| finished
| Qualifications
| Qualifications
| provisional
| definitive
| Certificated
| low rent
| Projects
| low rent
| habitability
| Certificated
| official
| approved
| official
| homes
| completed
| private
| collective
| private
| public
| collective
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2003
| 0
| 105
| 0
| 53
| 55
| 2002
| 0
| 65
| 0
| 32
| 25
Baix Penedès
| 2003
| 150
| 3,709
| 46
| 2,263
| 2,478
| 2002
| 0
| 3,204
| 71
| 2,406
| 2,512
| 2003
| 5,125
| 88,649
| 4,586
| 56,939
| 68,798
| 2002
| 6,349
| 74,498
| 4,543
| 61,556
| 65,538
Source : Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de
Política i Obres Públiques,
Years available : from 1981 to 2003
parking  |
| Lorries and
| Tractors
| Buses
| Cars
| Motorcycles
| vans
| industrial
| and others
| Total
Banyeres del Penedès
| 2003
| 77.1
| 8.1
| 12.2
| 0.5
| 2.1
| 1,416
| 2002
| 76.5
| 8.7
| 12.6
| 0.6
| 1.6
| 1,348
Baix Penedès
| 2003
| 72.1
| 7.7
| 17.5
| 0.5
| 2.3
| 44,632
| 2002
| 72.4
| 7.8
| 17.2
| 0.5
| 2.1
| 42,669
| 2003
| 70.7
| 10.0
| 16.2
| 0.6
| 2.5
| 4,220,206
| 2002
| 71.1
| 10.1
| 16.1
| 0.6
| 2.2
| 4,218,835
Source : Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de
Política i Obres Públiques,
Years available : from 1991 to 2003
land use  |
| arable
| pasture
| forested
| other
Banyeres del Penedès
| 1999
| 476
| 0
| 4
| 11
| 1989
| 746
| 0
| 11
| 49
Baix Penedès
| 1999
| 7,196
| 272
| 3,549
| 2,636
| 1989
| 7,907
| 12
| 6,526
| 1,605
| 1999
| 817,031
| 339,797
| 838,663
| 308,488
| 1989
| 837,000
| 269,914
| 981,364
| 383,303
Source : Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, Cens
agrari 1989. 1999,
Years available : 1982. 1989. 1999,
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