Barcelona Field Studies Centre Make a Booking Step 2

Please use this form to e-mail us, quickly and easily. Just fill in your details, and click on the
SUBMIT DETAILS button.  You will shortly receive an e-mail confirming your details.  The dates you have selected below will be automatically reserved for you.

I would like to provisionally reserve the following dates:


 Required field *
Organisation: *

Number of Nights' Accommodation: *
Group Leader: *
Organisation Address: *
Country: *
Telephone Number: 
Email Address: *
Estimated student numbers: *
  Estimated staff numbers: *
Age group: *
Examination Board: *
Syllabus: *
Syllabus fieldwork option(s): *
Coursework data collection? *
Yes No
Preferred accommodation:
Hold Option until (date): * [Select Date]
Other Requirements:

Currency for invoicing: *

Sterling Euro
