Geography Tests
Online automatic marking of
student open or free text answers and multiple choice
geography tests. Secure, authenticated certificate awards may be printed on
conclusion of the tests. Automated marking
of text input includes diagnostic feedback. Tests now include map reading skills
and a hill walking simulation exercise.
Geography Test Features
- Aims to improve and reinforce student learning
- Authenticated individualised test certificates
- Automated marking of open-ended essay input
- Computer marking
- Data logging facility
- Diagnostic feedback
- Essays marked for content, context, grammar and addressing the question
- Essay questions
- Essay skills
- Five attempts per computer marked test
- Free resource to support the geography teaching and learning community
- Hill walking group leader simulation
- Homework assignments
- Glossary support as required
- Identifies attempted cheating
- Identifies strengths and weaknesses
- Improves knowledge, skills and final examination performance
- Increasing levels of difficulty
- Interactive
- Maintains student privacy
- Map reading skills
- Multiple choice questions
- No viewable essay marking source code
- No teacher marking
- Open questions
- Opportunity to continually repeat
- Question timer with optional timer pause
- Randomised questions
- Resource-based questions
- Role play simulations
- Route planning simulation
- Stressful but fun for most students
- Suspect test certificates automatically invalidated
- Test certificate printing
- Test security features
- Test time for multiple choice tests averages 45 minutes
- Tests trialed and proven with student groups over several years
- Twenty randomised questions per multiple choice test
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