Barcelona Field Studies Centre

Edexcel Syllabus A Geography Coursework Guidance: Data Collection

Assessment Criterion 2 - Data collection (15 marks)

This section should:

a state the nature of the information/data required

b describe, explain and justify the methods used to collect the data

c show evidence of the data collected, in the form of tables, etc

d pass comment on any problems encountered and what attempts were made to overcome them.


Level One

The data required and the methods used to collect and record it are described. At the top of this mark range it is quite clear from the description how the data was collected. If secondary data is used, there should be an indication of the origin of that data.

ICT: Within this mark range, the highest mark (5) can only be achieved by those candidates using ICT.

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Level Two

In addition to description, there is some explanation of the methods used to collect and record the data. If secondary data is used, there is a comment on why that particular data was chosen or how it was obtained.

ICT: Within this mark range, the highest marks (9-10) can only be achieved by those candidates using ICT.


Level Three

This level is characterised by clear explanation of the methods used to collect and record the data, and there should be some justification of the methods. There may be justification of the data required, in addition to a statement. If secondary data is used, there is a comment on why that particular data was chosen and how it was obtained. Where relevant, there is some reference to any limitations of the data, and/or problems encountered in its collection.

ICT: Within this mark range, the highest marks (13-15) can only be achieved by those candidates using ICT.

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