Zona Franca |
Logistics Park |
22@ district: Torre Agbar |
University Department of Artificial Intelligence
Research |
This study day examines a variety of ways in which Barcelona is
recovering its leading role as a magnet for foreign direct investment and as
Spain’s industrial powerhouse.
Visits can be made to Zona Franca, Logistics Park, Parc Tecnològic del
Vallès (Science Park of El Vallès), the Autonomous University of Barcelona and
the inner city 22@ district.
Contrasts are made between these different industrial zones, and their
importance to the Catalan and Spanish economy analysed.
The day may include a factory visit, e.g. the SEAT car plant near Barcelona.
Zona Franca is the largest and
most active industrial estate in Spain and one of the most dynamic in Europe.
The industrial estate is undergoing major transformation with various new
infrastructure projects being developed. more
Parc Tecnològic del Vallès caters for, and 'incubates' businesses
and institutions that work in the field of the new technologies. The nearby
Autonomous University of Barcelona specialises in turning out students with
applied science skills and the government has invested heavily in support
infrastructure. The university is the site of southern Europe's new generation
synchrotron. Barcelona's
high-tech cluster
The 22@ project involves the conversion of an old inner city
manufacturing zone into a district specialising in new technologies. more |