Visitors' Book Comments
The capacity of registration of this Guest Book has no limit but only the last fifty messages will be displayed.
Name from......: Mr Giuseppe Bonfante
Organisation...: Merchant Taylor's Boys' School (Crosby)
Comment........: Thank you so much for a wonderful experience. Your Professional
approach enabled our boys and staff to experience true Catalan culture while
carrying out field studies and ecological techniques essential for their A Level
DATE/TIME : 04-07-2011 19:22:10
Name from......: Master Elisha A Lindsay
Organisation...: The late warren Farm Secondary Comprehensive
Comment........: Today I was contemplating getting back in to study of one of
the 11 GCSE subjects I studied in senior school namely that of geography. How
marvellously surprised I was to locate your web site and to be reminded of the
attributes of the coursework. I just wanted to make that point clear keep up the
good work and if parliament's education department don't fund you they should.
DATE/TIME : 15-07-2009 07:30:55
Name from......: katie
Organisation...: thomas aveling
Comment........: your website really helped me with my research thank you for
making your website really helpful for every one thank you again
DATE/TIME : 29-06-2007 14:37:53
Name from......: Michael Moran
Organisation...: Michael Moran Photography, Inc.
Comment........: I've been visiting Barcelona for years, and have recently been
photographing the work of Rafael Moneo, who as you know has two major projects
there -- L'Auditori and L'Illa Diagonal. I was just looking up l'Eixample
and came across your article. It's wonderfully concise, precise, cogent
and articulate. I've just forwarded it to a developer friend. Many
DATE/TIME : 13-06-2007 23:46:41
Name from......: kelly
Comment........: it's good.
DATE/TIME : 11-06-2007 18:45:12
Name from......: Caroline Cotton
Organisation...: Wadebridge school
Comment........: Great site! thank you very much, GCSE exam in a few days and
this has been great for last minute cramming!
DATE/TIME : 02-06-2007 21:05:55
Name from......: Rahul Patel
Organisation...: Nirma University
Comment........: this information on core periphery model is most accurate about
Surat City in India. This is good graphical explanation by you people out there.
thank you.
DATE/TIME : 28-05-2007 19:55:02
Name from......: gemma
Organisation...: colmers school and sports collage
Comment........: hi your web site is brilliant i hope you write back if you
don't it's o.k i will understand my guestin is should i worry about the year 8
exams thanks i just thought i would tell you there this weeki have allready done
5 i have 5 more to do so do i worry or shall i stay calm could you please tell
me as i am worring out my mind here thanks bye xx gemma and also is the
geography test hard thanks alot
DATE/TIME : 16-05-2007 21:11:20
Name from......: Chansey
Comment........: Thanks! this really helped with my A-level Geography
DATE/TIME : 13-05-2007 23:20:20
Name from......: Penny
Comment........: The information on urban-land use models has helped me greatly
with my geography coursework. I just wanted to say thank you and tell you I love
DATE/TIME : 16-04-2007 09:31:30
Name from......: Prof. Rana P.B. Singh
Organisation...: Professor of Cultural Geography, Banaras Hindu University, New
F-7 Jodhpur Colony, Varanasi, UP 221005. INDIA
Comment........: Barcelona Field Study Centre
geography fieldwork ---
has been an excellent resource for teaching and application in the fieldwork. I
frequently use for my teaching purposes in MA/MSc courses.
Saturday, 05 May 2007. Prof. Rana P.B. Singh
DATE/TIME : 05-05-2007 09:58:42
Name from......: Melanie Collins
Organisation...: Pipers Corner School
Comment........: I took a party of 15 6th form girls to the Hotel Victoria last
year. We had a wonderful time, even though it rained pretty much the
entire time but we saw a couple of mini tornadoes which made it worth it!
The field activities were good but the days were very long! I am hoping we
will return next year.
DATE/TIME : 06-02-2007 15:12:37
Name from......: SHILPA SHARMA
Email..........: email address withheld
Comment........: This site is very helpful to me as i am doing research on
\'Tourism Development Strategy - a case of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. if you can
help me in finding out the theory behind tourism development planning and
tourism data analysis.
DATE/TIME : 20-01-2007 16:31:47
Name from......: Andrew Johnson
Organisation...: Communication Industry
Comment........: Very well presented site...
DATE/TIME : 07-01-2007 17:21:24
Name from......: Willie Venter
Comment........: Thank you for a most interesting and mind occupying method of
statistical research. We simply looked at the SPEARMAN to get more information
for a school project for my son. It was very helpful.
Thank you.
DATE/TIME : 16-01-2007 21:19:29
Name from......: peter karanja
Organisation...: uon
Comment........: Thank you. I gained a lot from your site for my geography
DATE/TIME : 08-01-2007 12:01:01
Name from......: Arthur Andrews
Organisation...: Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School, nr. Leeds
Comment........: I have just started to teach Orienteering to a Yr. 4 group and
your site is a god-send.
Excellent, and keep up the good work!
DATE/TIME : 08-01-2007 11:42:52
Name from......: Samantha Downs
Comment........: your site is well mint!!!!!!!!!!yay!!!!!!!!
DATE/TIME : 24-11-2006 09:45:32
Name from......: Roland Dent
Organisation...: Vienna engineering establishment (Austria)
Comment........: a fantastic site, well done to all!!!
DATE/TIME : 21-11-2006 11:22:53
Name from......: Bonorly
Organisation...: Long Eaton School
Comment........: Brilliant site thanks, helped me with my geography work =]
DATE/TIME : 22-11-2006 15:54:42
Name from......: Olivia
Comment........: THANK YOU! Thanks for the info on Population Dependency you
pretty much saved my life! I am studying for my NCEA Level One exam and I didn\'t
have much idea about the positive and negatives of a youthful and ageing
population. Thanks!
DATE/TIME : 21-11-2006 20:41:10
Date...........: 21/11/06
Name from......: Roland Dent
Organisation...: Vienna engineering establishment (Austria)
Comment........: a fantastic site, well done to all!!!
DATE/TIME : 21-11-2006 11:22:53
Name from......: Chloe Bryce
Comment........: I love this piece of work. it is amazing the best thing i have
ever read!!!!!! :)
DATE/TIME : 06-11-2006 11:23:14
Name from......: John Smith
Comment........: Your field/case studies have helped me a lot with my school
work. They contain information which are relevant to my projects and homework.
Please keep it up! Thank you so much
DATE/TIME : 24-08-2006 22:31:08
Name from......: Martin New
Organisation...: City of Johannesburg
Comment........: As Head of the Inner City Task Force we are always looking for
new ideas and strategies. Johannesburg is a lovely city but we still have a lot
of work to do.
DATE/TIME : 18-08-2006 09:56:28
Name from......: Max
Organisation...: England, London
Comment........: This is a great site, and has helped with key words for the
GCSE population topic. Thanks.
DATE/TIME : 24-05-2006 21:25:55
Name from.............: Louis
Surname...............: Mantini
Comment...............: Thank you!
You provided an excellent explanation of Spearman's Rank Correlation
DATE/TIME : 16-05-2006 02:15:13
Name from......: Yosemite Indian
Comment........: Hello there. I am a Yosemite Indian.
The definition of Yosemite was not "Some among them are killers".
That was mistakenly done by a worker in Yosemite.
The real translation to Yosemite is "The Killers" or "The
From Oso-meti...Bear People.
DATE/TIME : 2-05-2006 07:37:30
Name from......: Samuel
Organisation...: The Chase
Comment........: Thank you to the team for the fieldwork trip I have just been
on, it was very enjoyable.
DATE/TIME : 04-03-2006 21:30:08
Name from......: katy Mcsparron
Organisation...: Stanchester Media Arts College
Comment........: Thank you so much i have been looking for ages to find these
defintions cheers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
DATE/TIME : 26-01-2006 21:00:48
Name from......: Fazz
Organisation...: Durham University
Comment........: Thankyou, needed this for my i.t. project and came in extremely
DATE/TIME : 23-01-2006 10:20:22
Name from......: peter
Organisation...: turton
Comment........: really good revision with good tests
DATE/TIME : 19-12-2005 14:47:23
Name from.............: julian
Surname...............: seegobin
School Organisation...: king edwards school
Comment...............: i would just like to thank you for this excellent site i
am doing an a level project and your site has been especially helpful for
spearmans rank
DATE/TIME : 13-11-2005 17:10:45
Name from......: pam gray
Organisation...: southend
Comment........: Hello derek. Thank you for the fieldwork trip. It as very good
& the website is very useful for coursework too! x
DATE/TIME : 03-11-2005 14:52:30
Name from......: goya
Comment........: i found this site very helpful in finding the of the multiplier
effect and its relevance to tourism
DATE/TIME : 24-10-2005 17:10:47
Name from......: pam brown
Comment........: my 5th grader is learning about maps and geography in
school. I found your site helpful. Thank you.
DATE/TIME : 10-10-2005 21:01:05
Name from......: nat
Comment........: great web site it really helped me wiv my course work. thanks
DATE/TIME : 24-10-2005 15:32:08
Name from......: A F
Comment........: I think it would help if you expanded your website to include
more about rice faming.
DATE/TIME : 11-10-2005 21:05:30
Name from......: lawrence sappor
Organisation...: univ. of Cape Coast,Ghana
Comment........: It's a nice website that have some good information to benefit
the geography students around. I pray to visit this page often to know how
regular updates are being made.
thank you
DATE/TIME : 02-10-2005 15:22:23
Date...........: 27/09/05
Name from......: The Bean
Organisation...: Cheltenham Ladies\' College, England
Comment........: Great site! I had to research the quaternary industry for
a few weeks at college, this site gave me an accurate example. THANK
best regards,
The Bean
DATE/TIME : 27-09-2005 21:47:07
Name from......: Simon
Comment........: Nice one!
DATE/TIME : 14-09-2005 20:28:23
Name from......: Calvin Huang
Comment........: Excellent website. Keep it up with the good work.
God bless.
DATE/TIME : 11-09-2005 02:00:54
Name from......: chewett
Comment........: good site 4 info
DATE/TIME : 08-09-2005 17:02:11
Name from......: mel
Comment........: Thank you very much... this helped me a lot with my geography
DATE/TIME : 07-09-2005 16:32:55
Name from......: paul
Organisation...: langley
Comment........: i found your site very useful thank you
DATE/TIME : 02-09-2005 15:14:09
Name from......: Ben
Comment........: Why are the right answers wrong?
DATE/TIME : 26-08-2005 10:55:52
Webmaster's Reply: Ben, could you
contact us with the test name and question number(s)?
Name from......: Jeffrey Mandyck
Organisation...: School of Architecture
Washington University in St. Louis
Comment........: Well written, concise and informative.
DATE/TIME : 23-08-2005 03:51:03
Name: tim
Organisation: bms
website is very helpful
Name: Nicky Bremner
Organisation: Gosforth High School, Newcastle
Just returned from a thoroughly enjoyable field work visit in St Pere de Ribes
and Sitges. I now have a better understanding of rivers and coasts in really
quite beautiful locations, especially the Sitges coast. The sun always shines in
Barcelona, by the way. Even more fascinating was the fact that our night porter
was called Manuel, from Barcelona.
Name: Hannah Bateman
Comments: Thank you! Your website gave me everything i needed to revise for a
gcse geography test. Thank you!
Name: Liuli Dyson
Organisation: Spen Valley Sports College
i think this webpage is every good, i've been using it alot now......... and it
is alot of help..............i think you should do other subjects like science
Name: patricia ndaneme
Organisation: university of dortmund
thanks a million for the useful information i got on this site. it really helped
in guiding me for an assignment which i appreciate so much. hope to get more and
more relevant information from it.
Name: Joel Hutchinson
Organisation: Ballymena Academy
Thanks for the help! Needed some definitions!
Organisation: Midhurst Grammar
Comments: Really useful for case study on Papua New Guinea. Am studying for
GCSE's Geography. Thanks Loobylu XxX
Name: Perpy C. Tio
Organisation: Mindanawon Initiatives for Cultural Dialogue - Ateneo de Davao
Comments: i am so grateful for the display of core-periphery models. i need
these models in my thesis writing about comparative city industrialization in
mindanao, philippines. thank you
Name: ashley
Comments: thanks, your site immensely helped my research for my paper
Name: rachel fox
Organisation: kendrick school
Comments: I searched on google for a definition and found your glossary. just to
let you know that it proves very useful, as i am doing economics and geography
for a level and gives concise easy to understand definitions over a wide subject
Name: yogi
Organisation: ysgol bryn elian
Comments: this website is very helpful if you want informative information for
Name: O. Davies
Comments: Very good site, has been very useful for my Coursework, especially the
Spearman's information!!
thank you very much
O. Davies (UK)
Name: Emma Palmer
Comments: We are studying hill farming in school and find this website very
useful and like the way the page comes up diagonally across the screen - very
p.s. we love hillbilly farming and sheep
Name: vinay
Organisation: Medditerrani Barcelona
Barcelona is the best place for students in tourism sector . The people
are very kind hearted and i learnt a lot from this culture. I am happy to be a
part of the city for one year for my study.
Name: Olly
Comments: I looked at the planning guide on this site, it really helped :)
Name: natalie
Organisation: hugh biard
Comments: this website is just great
Name: Kirsty & Hannah
Organisation: Ockbrook School
Comments: Liverpool...........Scunthorpe!?!?!?!?!?!?
Name: Loi, Izzy, Lucy, Parkes
Organisation: Ockbrook Convent
Comments: 'Dutch Derek' it was Lucy who lost the calibrated plumb line!!!
she is deeply sorry thanx for the best time dudes. Big up for everyone there,
especially Derek! Adios Amigos xxx
Name: Lucy and the Ockbrook Girls
School_Organisation: Ockbrook School
Comments: hiya Derek! Its the Ockbrook girls! thank you for a wonderful trip we
really enjoyed it thank you! xx
Name: Louise
Organisation: University
Comments: The "What does this R² value mean?" section and the
degrees of freedom / significance level graph was helpful. It answered my
Name: Tom
Organisation: Longcroft, East Yorkshire, UK
Comments: Thanks for the Urban Models
Name: junes hassan mohamed
Organisation: london metropolitan univeresity
Comments: i'm interested about the evolution of the ebro delta, as i have been
there on a work placement helping around the ecomuseum and i then wanted to do
my dissertation about processes and responses of the coast line of this delta,
however, i also wanted to have a full understanding about the history and
evolution of it. thank you very much.
Name: Susanne
Organisation: K.S
Comments: COol Website - tests are kind of hard though!
Name: James Pigot
Comments: thank you very much
Name: Joe Bates
Organisation: King Edwards five ways
Comments: An excellent webpage, much congratulated!
Comments: paginas muy interesantes para mi trabajo como profesorade dendrologia
en Xile.
saludos cordiales
Name: Chris Childs
Organisation: Long Road Sixth Form College
Comments: Thanks Derek for a wonderful trip see you in the future
Name: Richard
Organisation: Long Road
Comments: Hi little derek, thanks very much for the fantastic geography trip you
made for us. could you please update the site and publish some pictures of the
legendary 'Long Road 2004' group. many thanks, have a good year.
Name: Sean Linnen
Comments: hello!!
I'm coming to Barcelona tomorrow and i hope it will be sooo much fun! I'm
staying here in Segur de Calafell see you tomorrow!!
Name: Emma Barke
Comments: very informative and it showed my all about the river rhine!
Name: naomi
Organisation: bishops
Comments: very good site and good effort for the information
Name: Lauren
Name: Luke Mclchlan
Organisation: Franklin college (Grimsby)
Comments: good for resources
Name: Prasana Uthayakumar
Organisation: Queen Elizabeth School
Comments: Really Good Website
Name: dougie woodrow
Organisation: greenock high school
Comments: Your case study on wet rice cultivation just saved my life, it looks
like you have a wonderful centre, maybe one day I'll get to visit
keep smiling. Thanks
Name: ross pickering
Organisation: Nobel school
Comments i really enjoyed spain, it was a great experience for me and i loved
every second of it, the hotel was great, the food was great and the scenery was
beautiful from ross
Name: ross pickering
Organisation: Nobel School
Comments: hi derek, this is a quality website, it has helped me a lot with my
coursework, the experience in spain was great and all the places we went were
really interesting
Name: Dom
Organisation: George Spencer College
had a good time. Sorry we were noisy but we ad a laugh. will recommend the food
to all, it was varied and scrumptious we looked forward to having our dinner
after a hard days work.
Name: adam coe
Organisation: george spencer
Comments: great time thanks to everyone involved especially the London students.
( cheers to Bruce, Sandra, and Derek )
Name: Francis Erese
Organisation: Feltham Community College
Comments: the only web site that has actually helped me in my project
29 February 2004
Name: Dr. Gilnei Fróes
Instituto Bering Fróes Eco Global
Congratulations! It is wonderful work for the environmental causes!
22 February 2004
Name: Claire
Organisation: Knockbreda high school
Comments: Brilliant website
10 February 2004
Name: Maria
2 February 2004
Name: 247
Organisation: International School Hamburg
Comments: Ohh well. I really enjoyed staying at the field work center in Sitges.
For me it was a fantastic opportunity to learn and understand more about sand
dunes and beaches. Furthermore the nights in Sitges were amazing...all the good
looking women.....WOW ! It probably was one of my best experiences in life!
Thank u Derrick!!!!
Best wishes to everyone
27 January 2004
Name: Jane
Organisation: Gateshead
really good site and has helped me with 6 different essay's at school in
geography. totally radicul!!!
25 January 2004
Name: Dave Barber
Organisation: Sir John Leman High School
Comments: That picture of Simon was really lovely!
15 December 2003
Name: Rosy
Organisation: Kensington
Comments: Sir plleeeeeeeeease dont make the exam really hard!!!!! I would like
to get i good mark this year (Preferably more than 95%!!) Last year i only got
6 December 2003
![]() |
Name: sean harris
Organisation: midhurst grammar skool
Comments: great facts
2 December 2003
Name: Jonny Baron
hello all. i agree strongly with this malachi!
2 December 2003
Name: Bob Martin hadley
Organisation: St.johns cofe middle
Comments: i think the site has very intresting info
27 November 2003
Name: Anna
Organisation: Sir John Leman High School
Comments: A great week! Thank you to both the Dereks' and everyone else who
helped out, I learnt alot and had a great time.
3 November 2003
Name: Joe Larkin
Organisation: Sir John Leman High School
Comments: A very good time spent there, I would like to thank both Dereks for
their knowledge and patience as well as Bruno who helped us out with the river
study. Even if he can't use the gradient level right!!!! He managed to in the
end though.
3 November 2003
Name: rachel ainsworth
Organisation: kesteven and grantham girls school in grantham lincs england
Comments: I found the website very helpful for my geography home work on rain
6 October 2003
Name: Bridget
Organisation: Hamburg International School
Comments: Oh Derük, that was a wonderful trip, blessed with wonderful things
like urself, the dunes, the trees, hugging them, and etc. The food was great (
uhuhm) the rooms were fab,,... keep the great organisation up daärek, we love u
always and forever, please dont pull no ones finger, Bridget.
1 October 2003
Name: Curtis Michel
Organisation: Elk Creek R&R Farm
Comments: Bruno ... Poppa told me about your place. How would a Delaware
County farm boy HS grad neighbor with aspirations get there?
17 September 2003
Name: shannon matthews
Organisation: Nobel
Comments: hi derick what r u up 2 lately i like the field trip and the
hotel love shannon xxxxxxxxxxxxx(iamboy)
12 September 2003
Name: daniele ferraris
Comments: congratulaciones para vuestro web-site y tambien para la ciudad de
4 September 2003
Name: vicky
Organisation: spen valley high school
Comments: this really helped me with my essay on the lake districti got full
markes and A* in my GCSE's and am now going on to do a degree in geography
19 July 2003
Name: vicky hall
Organisation: spen valley high
Comments: cool it really helped me wi ma geog essay on lake district hill sheep
Cheers !!!
19 July 2003
Name: Craig (skater crew) BIG George (the one who berated
you) Mike (who didn't get fed) Richard (half way there) Paul (cos Paul said so)
Organisation: Long Road Sixth
Comments: Yo derek, just a quick one to thank you on a wonderful, lovely,
ecstatic, delightful and unique experience. Say a big *waddup* Juan. Anyway
peace out brother! cya
9 July 2003
Name: Sarah
Organisation: Dunfermline Lauder College, Halbeath, Fife
Comments: hey everyone! I was in Costa Daurada last year and had an
excellent holiday! I'm wondering if there are any job opportunities at the Port
Aventura Theme park!
If any one could please tell me as I'm looking for something for this summer as
a work placement! It was such a great time had there last year and I'd really
like to work there! so please if any one knows if there is a job opening please
reply to this message!!!!
15 June 2003
Name: Gabor Posta
Organisation: Kensington School
Comments: This site rules!!
3 June 2003
Name: Soojin
Organisation: Kensington School
Comments: This website is really nice made!!! I really like it an also its got
lots of important information!
When people are having an exam and the day before they see this website I think
they are gonna have more than 90%!!!!This is excellent!
6 May 2003
Name: Angel Velarde
Organisation: Suffolk university ( U.S.A.)
Comments: Para un gran equipo a nivel mundial ..vamos Barcelona !! siempre
ganadores .. eso es el equipo un sentimiento , un sentimiento lleno de alegria y
armonia ..por eso VAMOS BARCELONA!!
5 May 2003
Name: Jeff Helgeson
Organisation: UW-Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Comments: Excellent site, after wading through several incomrehensible
explanations, I came across your site. It explained it beautyfully, with clear
examples that where invaluable. Thank you so much.
1 May 2003
Name: Maria
Organisation: Music School
Comments: I love FCB!! They are the greatest!!! For me they won the match with
Torino!!! I love you Barca!!!! the fan from POLAND!
30 April 2003
Name: Sam Hampton
Organization: King Alfred's School
Comments: Barcelona was very nice, but the thing that made the trip was
definitely Derek. Truly inspiring.
22 March 2003
Name: Amy
Organisation: Gillingham School, Dorset
Comments: I REALLY enjoyed this experience and I would definitely go there
again. I had wicked time!!!
21 December 2002
Name: Odele
Comments: a quality week...I'd love to do it all over again!
11 December 2002
Name: Yoon-Ji
Organisation: Kensington
Comments: A cool and well-made website
19 September 2002
Name: Rosy
Organisation: Kensington
Comments: Cool website!
17 September 2002
Name: Daniel M
Organisation: Long Road
Hi Derek! great site, I really enjoyed Barcelona! Barcelona 2002!!Rock On!!!
Cant wait to see all my fellow geographers on monday! bye guys
15 September 2002
Name: Jamie and Chris
Organisation: Long Road Sixth Form College Cambridge
Hi Derek
We would just like to comment on the top notch service that we received in
Barcelona and to thank you for teaching us so much and being a good sport.
cheers del.....
You legend
Jamie and Chris
Name: Cara
Comments: This is a very good website,im learning Spanish at the nottingham
trent university and this has helped.Do you know where theres a website for
Asturias? If you do, can you e-mail me?Thanks a bunch.Cara-13 years old
23 June 2002
Name: Jamie P
Organisation: Long Road Sixth Form College
Comments: the work was well organised and the hotel was great. also *** and
beaches were great as were the locals.
23 June 2002
Name: Laura
Organisation: Long Rd Sixth Form College
Comments: Derik you're a legend! Thanks to all the guys ova in Barcelona for a
great week
23 June 2002
Name: Jenny
Organisation: Long Road Sixth Form, Cambridge.
I’m exhausted now ( most sleep I got was 7 ½ hrs on Wed night – more than
most!) and was glad to arrive home this afternoon. However, the trip was
brilliant! I really enjoyed all the trips but those to Barcelona and the Ebro
Delta were by far the best. The paddy fields and Delta were features IÂ’d never
seen before and the flamingos were beautiful! The Cathedral was really
lovely and the La Rambala shops a good place to wander. -Though, Hannah and I
did most of our shopping at the airport this morning! The Nou Camp was different
but I still want to go to the Barcelona race circuit!!! –I can’t believe
Rossi won again last Sun at the Catalunya Moto GP ( I even rang home wed to find
that out as I couldnÂ’t wait till today!) Well done in getting around ThursdayÂ’s
problems with the Strike the ecosystems work was a good laugh! – also gave us
a good bit of exercise! The hotel was a lovely little place and really friendly.
Oh and I learnt quite a lot too!!! Thanks for everything.
Jenny Boatwright, Long Road sixth Form. 16th – 21st June, 2002
21 June 2002
Name: ?
Organisation: Long Road Sixth Form College Cambridge
Comments: CHEEKY
21 June 2002
Name: Ally H
Organisation: Long Road SFC
Comments: Focus!
also where are all the pictures of us?
cheers for a great break!
21 June 2002
Name: pip davis
Organisation: Long Road Sixth Form College
derrek u r the main man and made the field trip great u legend.
21 June 2002
Name: Alison
Organisation: Long Road Sixth Form College
I would just like to say thank you for letting us stay with you and for the
activities we did.
21 June 2002
Name: Anthony Giddens
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
I must say that this website has been well designed and has an excellent
explanation of geography which is good for students. I must say if i may
that there the pictures are excellent, and that if I were still a young student
i would be delighted to go to Spain for a geography field trip!!!!
21 May 2002
Name: James Huntington
Organisation: Guthlaxston College
I found my trip to Barcelona extremely educational as well as enjoyable, and it
will be most beneficial as I prepare my case studies.
Thanks very much Derek and especially Juan!
27 April 2002
Organisation: Guthlaxton College
Had a great time thanks DERICK. BARCELONA IS COOL!!!
26 April 2002
Name: David Cabaniuk
Organisation: Guthlaxton College
I went on the geography field work course and I thought it was really good.
23 April 2002
Name: Iain Bruce
Organisation: Guthlaxton College, Wigston, Leicester, England
I had a brilliant time studying some geography in real life situations in some
great locations and with the help of friendly and knowledgable
23 April 2002
Name: Bernadette
LA Swap sixth form - William Ellis/Parliament Hill schools
Hey derek, sarah and janet!
Thank you for a lovely week in Barcelona, I really appreciate all the effort you
put in.
I've gained a lot of information from the trip!
thank you!!!!
cosmic wishes and love,
Name: Tobias Larsen
Organisation: Parliament Hill/William Ellis
Hi, I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the
help that we received while we were there in Barcelona. I know we were a bit of
a loud bunch of people, so thanks for putting up with us for so long!
Name: Shanmugam Pillai Subbiah
Professor of Geography
University of Madras
Chennai 600 005, India
Wonderful and fruitful site.
Received 7 January 2002
Name: Hannah
British School of Brussels
Hi Derek!
Thanks very much for a good trip! it was really fun. Have a good Christmas,
Received 21 December 2001
Name: Geography department, Gillingham school
Hello we were in Barcelona 4 days ago, just writing to say
thanks for your help especially to derek, sandra and others who helped us
collect data for our course work.
Received 11 December 2001
Name: Cara Roberts
Organisation: Gillingham School, Dorset
Comments: On behalf of everyone who came with me to Barcelona, I'd like to say thank you for a wonderful time. We enjoyed every minute of our time there and we appreciated the high quality of teaching that you provided for us. We all wish that we could come back next year! We're all hard at work on our coursework now, but it's not as fun as being there!!
Received: 11 December 2001
Name: Natalie Mills
Organisation: Filton College Bristol
it was brill apart from the weather but it was still fun and a break from boring
college life
thank u
5 December 2001
Name: arcy
wolfreton upper
It is very nice (your website)
26 November 2001
Name: Stu Windsor
Organisation: South Axholme
Cool. I thought it was really good.
23 November 2001
Name: Geoff Davies
Organisation: George Spencer School, Nottingham
the trip was excellent
16 November 2001
Name: Jon Sykes
Organisation: George Spencer School, Nottingham
Just got back from Barcelona. Had a great time. The trip was excellent.
13 November 2001
Name: Katherine
Organisation: Chew Valley School, Bristol
We had a really good time while in Barcelona and enjoyed everything we did. Also
the pictures of us are very interesting and thank you for putting them on the
web site as this means everyone who didn't come are able to see what we got up
12 November 2001
Name: Tony
Organisation: George Spencer School, Nottingham
I've just got back from one of your field trips, and checked out the website,
and I have to say that both are pretty good! The photos seem pretty good on your
site, as is all the information. I
think you are making this independent study too easy for me! Thanks again and
keep it up, cos its dead good, dead useful, and dead fun too!
10 November 2001
Name: Becci Hawkins
Organisation: Portsmouth College
Barcelona is very very cool and you must go there!
29 October 2001
Name: Stuart Emery
Chew Valley school
Chew Magna
I found the site a real help as it gave me facts about what the area is like
where I am going to be staying and what activities we are going to be doing. I
look forward to coming in October.
c u then!!
20 October 2001
Name: Laura Croft
This site rocks.
Barcelona are the best team.
11 September 2001
University of Geography, Utah
Great site gee-whiz yanky doodle doo!
19 August 2001
Comments:Name: Ian Smith
Best wishes to Barca for a successful 2001/02 football season.
My home club is Hibernian in Edinburgh, but I have supported Barca from afar
since we played you in 1961 in the Fair Cities Cup and hope to get to your home
match against Valencia on 14th October as I will be visiting Barcelona again at
that time.
27 July 2001