Aral Sea Disaster Links
- 1990: Aral Sea is an
eco-disaster (22.10.1990)
- The Aral Sea crisis
- The return of the Aral Sea
- Aral Sea: back from the
brink? (January 2000)
- News - The Aral Sea tragedy (16.3.2000)
- State of Environment of the Aral Sea Basin
(September 2000)
- In Pictures: Aral Sea
tragedy (16.5.2001)
- Satellite shows dramatic
Aral loss (30.7.2003)
- Satellite Images
- Central Asia's river
rivalry (19.2.2004)
- Aral catastrophe recorded
in DNA (29.6.2004)
- Reversing disaster.
Kazakhs hope ambitious plans can save the Aral Sea (9.4.2007)
- Kazakh loan to save Aral Sea (9.4.2007)