Barcelona Field Studies Centre

Globalisation Web Links

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Adding up farming subsidies

All the world speaks Globish

Bangladeshis rush for mobile English lessons

Barcelona have edge over Manchester United

Bottled Water: Who Needs It?

Cambridge clusters provide added lustre

Car industry changes caused by globalisation

Cheap goods on the Chinese production line

Disney's schools in China

Dyson moves to Far East

Effects of free trade on agriculture

Egypt and Tunisia usher in the new era of global food revolutions

Emerging giants

Exploitation of workers in the Mexican electronics industry

Flight to India

General Electric moves production from its green energy lamp plant to China

Global dilemma


Globalisation shakes the world

Hedge funds accused of gambling with lives of the poorest as food prices soar

How the invention of a box changed our world

IMF raises spectre of civil wars as global inequalities worsen

India's forgotten people

India's sweatshops shock British youngsters

Internet: closing the frontier

Kenyan flower production

Knowledge economy

Land of 1.3 billion people but they can't get the staff...

Maersk unveil design for world's largest ship

Nissan turns over a new Leaf with a zero-emission family hatchback

Peterborough embraces globalisation

Prudential moves call-centre to India

Recession leaves cargo ships in limbo

Secrets of doing business in India

Skyrocketing corn prices hit ethanol profits

Spain's salad growers are modern-day slaves, say charities

Tasteless or brilliant? Iceberg water might be both

Tesco focuses on catering to local food tastes in China

They must be barking

UK R&D jobs move to Asia

Unilever chief warns over global crisis in food output

US car industry in decline

West has no God-given right to be rich - or to host the World Cup

Where the internet lives