Histogram or Bihistogram Creator
This histogram maker creates histograms and bihistograms to display the frequency distribution of your data. It constructs evenly spaced bin widths, so the height of a histogram bar indicates frequency counts. The bars can be oriented horizontally or vertically. Negative values may be entered to make bihistograms.
Histograms are similar to barcharts as ways to display counts of data. Barcharts are used to show counts against discrete categories. A histogram plots continuous data showing the counts within ranges or intervals. Choose the range or interval that best fits your data.
Bihistograms, made from two histograms in opposite directions, can be created by entering negative and positive data for the same interval values. Each half of the bihistogram represents a different category and can be back-to-back on opposite sides of either the y-axis or the x-axis. Bihistograms are a very useful way to compare skewness and outliers for two data categories.
Histograms are often used in geography fieldwork to plot the frequency of pebble long axes, with axis length ranges (e.g. 0-2, 2-4 etc.) on the x-axis and the number of pebbles on the y-axis. If a value falls into two bins, place it in the upper bin. Bihistograms can be used to compare pebble long axis data for two beaches.
Enter your data in the calculator below. Select the type of histogram required and click the 'Calculate' button. Clicking the 'Open Histogram' button will then open your histogram in a new window. A menu appears above the histogram offering several options, including downloading an image. Hover over the histogram to display the data.