Barcelona Field Studies Centre

What's New? New Field Studies, Topics, Page Updates and Changes

New Pages

01.04.24 Word Cloud Maker
01.04.24 Word Cloud Example
25.02.24 Stacked Bar Chart Example
25.02.24 Stacked Bar Chart Maker
01.06.23 3-Dimensional Chart Creator
01.06.23 3D Chart Maker Example (clear background)
01.06.23 3D Chart Maker Example (coloured background)
24.05.23 Floating Maximum-Minimum Range Bar Chart Example
24.05.23 Floating Maximum-Minimum Range Bar Chart Maker
22.05.23 Polar Chart Overlays Maker Example
22.05.23 Polar Chart Overlays Maker
21.05.23 Radar Chart Overlay Maker Example
21.05.23 Radar Chart Maker Example
21.05.23 Radar Compass Chart Maker Example
21.05.23 Polar Chart Maker Example
21.05.23 Polar Chart Maker
14.05.23 Percentage and Divided Vertical Bar Chart Maker Examples
14.05.23 Percentage and Divided Horizontal Bar Chart Maker Examples
14.05.23 Polar Area Chart Maker
14.05.23 Polar Area Chart Maker Example
14.05.23 Rose Diagram Maker Example
14.05.23 Triangular or Ternary Graph Maker Example
28.04.23 Slope Profile Maker Example
28.04.23 Pie Chart Maker Example
28.04.23 Rose Diagram Maker Example
28.04.23 Donut (or Doughnut) Chart Maker Example
28.04.23 Scatter Graph Maker Example
28.04.23 Scatter Graph Trend Line Maker Example
28.04.23 Kite Diagrams Any Data Entities Example: With Rounded Lines
25.04.23 Example of Kite Diagrams for any Data Entity: Microplastics survey of Barcelona beaches
24.04.23 Kite Diagrams or Chart Maker for any Data Entity
16.04.23 Proportional Circles Chart Maker
16.04.23 Proportional Circles Chart Maker Example
01.12.22 Kite Diagrams Maker Example: Percentage Total Species Cover
01.12.22 Kite Diagrams Maker Example: Species Distribution and Abundance
01.12.22 Kite Diagrams or Chart Creator for Species Abundance and Distribution
31.01.20 The Growth of Forests in Spain 1990-2015
28.01.20 Extreme weather changes the Ebro Delta
26.01.20 Priorat: World Heritage Site?
25.01.20 Map of family income inequalities in the districts of Barcelona 2014-2015
11.01.20 Barcelona: interactive commercial street map. All retail, services and empty businesses
30.11.19 Ben Nevis Map Reading Test
19.11.19 Ethical Considerations in Geography Fieldwork
25.10.19 Poblenou, Barcelona: Changing Places and Identity, Rebranding and Regeneration
23.10.19 El Raval Barcelona Past and Present: urban changes 1956-2016
23.10.19 Sitges Past and Present: Evolution of the Beaches 1945-2016
23.10.19 Aerial map overlays for Poblenou and Olympic Port 1956-2016 (Full Screen)
23.10.19 Poblenou and Olympic Port, Barcelona: Past and Present 1956-2016
07.10.19 UK GCSE Geography Fieldwork Curriculum Requirements Overview
07.10.19 Edexcel IGCSE Geography Fieldwork
07.10.19 Edexcel GCSE Geography Fieldwork Syllabus A: Field Study Options and Examples
07.10.19 Edexcel GCSE Geography Fieldwork Syllabus B: Field Study Options and Examples
07.10.19 Eduqas GCSE Geography Fieldwork Syllabuses A and B
07.10.19 Cambridge IGCSE Geography Fieldwork
29.09.19 Map of income per person in Spain, street by street (2016)
28.09.19 Map of income per person in Barcelona, street by street (2016)
28.10.18 Cailleux Roundness Index
25.09.18 Percentage or Divided Bar Graph Creator
25.09.18 Histogram or Bihistogram Creator
16.09.18 Slope Profile Creator
16.09.18 Bar Chart Creator
16.09.18 Line Chart Creator
28.08.18 Doughnut Chart Creator
28.08.18 Pie Chart Maker
28.08.18 Bipolar Chart Maker
28.08.18 Radar Chart Maker
28.08.18 Box Plot or Box and Whisker Chart Constructor
28.08.18 Rose Diagram Maker
28.08.18 Polar Scatter Chart Maker
28.08.18 Spearman's Rank Calculator for Rs and p values
28.08.18 Triangular Graph Constructor
28.08.18 Map Cross Section Maker
28.08.18 Beach Profile Maker
28.08.18 Sand Dune Profile Maker
28.08.18 River Cross Section Maker
04.02.17 OCR A Level Geography Independent Investigation Option A
04.02.17 OCR A Level Geography Independent Investigation Option B
31.01.17 More than half of Spanish rural settlements face extinction
31.01.17 Using Coding Analysis in Qualitative Geographical Research
17.10.16 WJEC AS/A Level GCE Geography Fieldwork
17.10.16 AQA AS/A Level GCE Geography Fieldwork
17.10.16 OCR AS/A Level GCE Geography Fieldwork
17.10.16 AS/A Level GCE Geography Syllabus Comparisons: AQA Edexcel OCR WJEC
17.10.16 Edexcel International A/AS level Geography Fieldwork
17.10.16 Edexcel AS/A Level GCE 2016 Geography Fieldwork
09.12.15 Hotel Subur, Sitges
17.10.14 Economic Activity and Energy: Edexcel IGCSE Geography Test
21.09.14 Geography Fieldwork in Malawi: frequently asked questions
15.09.13 Mvuu Camp, Malawi
01.07.13 Tectonic Activity and Hazards
20.05.12 Geography animations
15.04.12 Economic Change: Edexcel GCSE Geography Syllabus A Test
26.02.12 A Systems Approach: geography web links
26.02.12 Hydrological Cycle: geography web links
22.02.12 Geographic Information Systems: geography web links
20.02.12 Geography of Shopping: geography web links
18.02.12 Coves del Collbató, Montserrat: geology fieldwork
01.05.11 Coastal Development Impacts
07.04.11 Roman Tarragona
02.03.11 Global Car industry links: who owns who
12.02.11 Butler Model of Mediterranean tourist resort development
08.02.11 Applying the Butler Model to Tourism in Sitges and Calafell
01.02.11 First Aid
30.01.11 Using Google Street Maps in Geography Teaching
30.01.11 Google Earth Teaching Ideas
30.01.11 Pollution: Geography web Links
27.01.11 Spanish Economy Web Links
10.01.11 Edexcel Extreme Weather Questions
09.01.11 Edexcel Crowded Coasts Questions
09.01.11 Edexcel Rebranding Places Questions
14.11.10 Rebranding Places: Geography web Links
11.11.10 Extreme Weather: Geography web Links
07.11.10 Solar Cookers - appropriate technology as a technological fix
07.11.10 Geography of Culture web links
06.11.10 Bridging the development gap: web links
30.10.10 Technological Fix
30.10.10 Biodiversity Under Threat
30.10.10 Geography of Health
10.10.10 Continental Drift – The fitting together of the continental jigsaw
26.09.10 Ebro Delta - Invasion of the Apple Snail
25.09.10 Big Dig Spain Videos: sabre-toothed tiger bones theories
22.11.09 Google Maps Compass
03.11.09 Barcelona airport departure terminals and airlines
20.10.09 Geology Fieldwork Risk Assessments
04.10.09 Priorat: place of birth and place of residence relationships
30.09.09 Unequal Spaces | Geography Fieldwork
14.09.09 Queralt | Geology Fieldwork in Barcelona Spain
11.09.09 Barcelona Sunset and Sunrise Calculator
09.09.09 Cardona Salt Mountain | Geology Fieldwork
08.09.09 Coal Mining in Fígols | Geology Fieldwork
06.09.09 Fumanya Dinosaurs | Geology Fieldwork in Spain
02.09.09 Geology Fieldwork in Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
02.09.09 The geological history of the Sant Pere de Ribes basin, Barcelona
02.09.09 Saldoneres of Sant Pere de Ribes
02.09.09 Geology Field Studies in Barcelona, Spain
05.06.09 Barcelona-Sant Vicenç de Calders rail network train fare calculator
01.06.09 Barcelona airport arrival terminals and airlines
02.01.09 Destruction of the Catalan coast: Greenpeace Report 2008
02.11.08 Agribusiness Cluster in Almería
02.11.08 Costa del Polythene
02.11.08 Greenhouses have cooled the climate of Almería
15.10.08 Edexcel urban rebranding question
05.10.08 American Banking Crisis 2008
04.10.08 How banks work
29.09.08 Priorat- the Rebranding of a Rural Region
29.09.08 Restaurants in Priorat
29.09.08 Priorat- Climate
29.09.08 Priorat- the environmental impact of the wine revival
29.09.08 Priorat Hypothesis Testing
29.09.08 Priorat- Leader Community Initiative
27.09.08 Priorat- phylloxera plague
27.09.08 Priorat- wine industry as an operational tool in the creation of new products
27.09.08 Priorat- Social, Demographic and Economic Impact of the Wine Renaissance
27.09.08 Priorat- Soil
27.09.08 Priorat Science Park of Wine Technology
27.09.08 Priorat Village Services
27.09.08 Priorat Wines
24.09.08 Barceló Raval Hotel- has the Raval exceeded its tourism carrying capacity?
24.09.08 The 'new look' Raval- an urban rebranding success?
24.09.08 El Raval- Ravalejar
24.09.08 Coastal Development Pressures | Els Muntanyans, Torredembarra
24.09.08 Barcelona Inner-city slums
24.09.08 Urban Rebranding- the reinvention of city places
24.09.08 Urban Geography Fieldwork Packages
24.09.08 Rural Rebranding - the reinvention of rural places
24.09.08 Food or Gastronomic Tourism and Rural Development


Most Recent 25 Page Updates

1) copyright.htm  [21.02.25]
2) booked_html.htm  [01.01.25]
3) Coves-del-Collbato.htm  [15.12.24]
4) Weather-vMenu.php  [07.12.24]
5) Non-Residential-Field-Study-Courses.htm  [09.10.24]
6) mainMenu-vMenu.php  [23.06.24]
7) WorldCapitalCities.htm  [28.05.24]
8) LostPassport.htm  [17.05.24]
9) index.htm  [04.05.24]
10) RiskAssessments-vMenu.php  [01.05.24]
11) bookings_form_html.htm  [05.04.24]
12) BookingSteps.htm  [04.04.24]
13) ScatterGraphCreator.htm  [03.04.24]
14) WhatsNew.htm  [01.04.24]
15) DataPresentation.htm  [01.04.24]
16) DataPresentation-vMenu.php  [01.04.24]
17) Techniques-vMenu.php  [01.04.24]
18) NEASupport-vMenu.php  [01.04.24]
19) IndependentInvestigation-vMenu.php  [01.04.24]
20) Word-Cloud-Example.htm  [01.04.24]
21) Pie-Chart-Exploded-Example.htm  [28.03.24]
22) DonutChartExampleExplode.htm  [28.03.24]
23) Pie-Chart-Example.htm  [28.03.24]
24) DonutChartExample.htm  [28.03.24]
25) KiteDiagramMaker.htm  [26.03.24]